I've published a lens to my lenses directory, but it's stuck in processing status for about 8 hours, how can I figure out?
where can I get/download the Len Studio files for the Lens called:My School Outfit Lens ?
It's been two months ever since i started making lenses for Snapchat. Everyday I'm learning something new and exciting. Today, I learned about how the ml on snapchat works. The lens that I made, is using hand tracking along with displaying a 3D jelly (that i got from assets library). Here's a link of that lens:…
I am writing to report an issue that I have been facing while publishing a lens to my public account. The lens takes an unusually long time to process and never goes public. The status remains "processing" for an extended period of time, which is causing harm to my business and preventing me from doing my work. I would…
Dear Snapchat’s I would like to be on show program. anyone can guide me to the right link to submit form for Snap show
ابي توثيق حسابي بنجمه ولدي 87 الف مشترك https://www.snapchat.com/add/oooo_02
Am snapchat public profile user am creating lens but my all lesn is live but am use my lens message show something is wrong please can you help me?
New Merry Christmas Lense uploaded please take a one look , link give below or subscribe : @sagardagar09 https://www.snapchat.com/unlock/?type=SNAPCODE&uuid=d350e2ea64de4c2ead3d04d519437902&metadata=01
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my lens project, I need to know how to change my filter cloth with a gesture without touching the screen, I've already tried to tap to change, but only the first cloth appears, please help me!
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