Shapekey Blends - GLB and FBX Exports (moved to programming)

Tom MD
Tom MD Posts: 3
edited December 2022 in General #1

Hi, I have noticed that blendshapes import differently depending on FBX and GLB exports.

I am using modified "Face Expressions" and "Character Morph" templates, and noticed the scripts don't pick up blends/shapekeys from GLB exported files. The blends are still visible and work manually. FBX works fine.

I'm not the best scripter, so I don't know if there's a small line of script that needs adjusting to work with GLB files?

In the inspector, fbx blends import like this, kind of embedded:

GLB looks like this, like a separate component?


  • yes please I'm also confused how to work with blendshape from script for glb or gltf model. the script only works for fbx somehow