Server Joining Issues for iOS to iOS and Android to iOS platforms using Sync Framework?

I am facing an issue specifically with iOS devices while joining the server using the Sync Framework. I have tested the lens on Android devices and have no issues with:
-- Initiating the request to join a server.
-- Accepting the join request to connect to a room.

Server joining requests from Android to Android are catered successfully. Similarly, I can accept the joining request and connect to the room successfully.

On iOS devices, I can successfully initiate a server joining request from one iOS device but unfortunately, cannot accept the request and connect to the room on the other iOS device. The connection on the other iOS device disconnects immediately as soon as I click to accept the join request.

Any help or guidance in this regard would be much appreciated 🙏 I have been trying to solve this issue since a while now and getting frustrated after performing a lot of testing without getting any fruitful results.

Thanks already!