Using "Bloom", how would I create a UI slider to adjust brightness of a glowing mesh material?
I'm using the "UI Slider" that comes with "User Interface Helper (UI System") by Snapchat, I just need the UI to connect to the brightness setting for my Bloom material. I hope this makes sense.
It seems to me that some scripting will be necessary. I'm new to this, so scripting is a bit beyond me, but if somebody does have some specific scripting instructions I'd be happy to attempt it.
Thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help out here
Best Answer
The script would look like this:
//@input Asset.Material bloomMaterial function onValueChange(val){ script.bloomMaterial.mainPass.brightness = val * 10 // multiplied by 10 because max bloom brightness is 10 not1 } script.api.valueChanged = onValueChange
Make a scene object, add a script component, add the script to it and import the bloom material on the script.
Click on the UI slider object and go to it's script component in the inspector. Choose the custom function event callback, select our script we just made as the custom function script (can drag and drop the object holding our script onto this spot as a fast method). Click add value under value changed category and add in "valueChanged" this must match exactly as it is the name of the function in the script, where it says script.api.valueChanged.