[Guide] Camera Kit Web for Beginners
Hello community members! We've been attentively listening to your valuable feedback through the forums and office hours, and one thing became clear - some of you were facing challenges when trying to kickstart your Camera Kit Web experience. We want to express our gratitude for sharing your thoughts with us because it's…
Cartoon 3D Style Lens
I can't find the ID of the Cartoon 3D Style lens anywhere, not even in the marketplace, it is the one shown on the example page. here. https://camera-kit.snapchat.com/websdk/sample/basic and here. https://www.snapchat.com/lens/bad1396b0f8d494d845b1d6438c115f2 Do you have to buy it another way? someone knows ?
Pre-loading of lenses before camera session start
We are a highly experienced mobile app developer with industry leading knowledge of mobile platforms. We have already started integrating the Snapchat Camera Kit SDK in one of our application which will be definitely come to you to review. However, we would like to understand if the platform has the API which can provide…
Custom 3D Object Tracking in CameraKit on Web?
I would like to train my own model to track 3D objects in Web with the Camerakit sdk in javascript. Where can I start? By 3D tracking I mean 6D tracking, not just 2D; have look on the video: