How to use Android media recorder to have a customised function for recording videos?

newzera dev
newzera dev Posts: 11 🔥

We want to create our own function to record video from snapchat camera kit using android media recorder. But we are not able to figure this out. Please help us as soon as possible.


  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 597 👻

    @newzera dev Checking with our Android Eng on this now.

    Please give us some time to identify a solution. In the meantime, could you share more details about which areas you aren't able to figure out? The more info, the better for us to identify & narrow a solution for ya.


  • newzera dev
    newzera dev Posts: 11 🔥

    @stevenxu So, in the file CameraXImageProcessorSource.kt (from snap camera kit sdk source code), it is written that (exact words) "If the CameraKit built-in video recording support is not suitable, one can implement it using a similar approach to photo snapshot by connecting [] surface as another output to record continuous frames into a video file" . So, we tried to do this but couldn't succeed. So, we want to know how to implement this?

  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 597 👻

    @newzera dev Looks like you already have an active dialogue on this with our support team. Let's resolve this with them & I can circle back here to close once the solution has been identified. Thanks!