A script to count the number of faces indexes found using facefound event


I will like to get a simple script to count the number of faces found using the facefound event and print the number to a text with a tween function, resize an image based on the number as well


  • Bakari Mustafa
    Bakari Mustafa Posts: 178 🔥🔥🔥

    Here is an example script in JavaScript for counting the number of faces found using the "faceFound" event and printing the number with a Tween function, as well as resizing an image based on the number

    // Variables to keep track of face count and image size
    var faceCount = 0;
    var imageSize = 100;

    // Listen for "faceFound" event
    Script.faceFound.connect(function() {

    // Use Tween function to smoothly update text
    Tweens.value(faceCount, faceCount + 1, 0.5).onUpdate(function(value) {
    // Update text with current face count
    Text.value = "Face Count: " + value;

    // Use Tween function to smoothly resize image
    Tweens.value(imageSize, faceCount * 10, 0.5).onUpdate(function(value) {
    // Update image size based on face count
    Image.width = value;
    Image.height = value;

  • JAB Clari

    I appreciate the effort, this is incorrect. Clearly, this is an AI-generated response which also happens to be incorrect.