Create My Avatar -- undismissable

forwARdgame Posts: 41 🔥

As a company we do not want to associate with a specific avatar.
But this undismissable popup
makes it impossible to test lenses with the company account. Is it intentional?


  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 603 👻

    @forwARdgame Are you testing a lens that uses a Bitmoji Avatar? If so, then yes you would need to create one is my understanding. There isn't a stock option from what I've seen. I'll create a ticket for eng to confirm though.

  • forwARdgame
    forwARdgame Posts: 41 🔥

    Not a bitmoji avatar lens, just front facing camera. thank you for looking into it

  • forwARdgame
    forwARdgame Posts: 41 🔥

    Hey, it's been a while. Are there any updates on this issue?