Help! Why are my saved images have the snapchat logo and filter name on them

Noreen Posts: 6

Please help


  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥

    Hi @Noreen,
    This is a first for me. Can you attach a photo so we could have a look?

  • Noreen
    Noreen Posts: 6

    Hi, thank you for replying.

    So this is a pic ive taken and then saved. As you can see it has the logo and name of the filter used on it.

  • Noreen
    Noreen Posts: 6

    Sorry this is the image

  • Amanda
    Amanda Posts: 1

    I’m also looking for the answer to this

  • Noreen
    Noreen Posts: 6


    Your the only one who has a similar problem to mine. Ive searched everywhere on the net and it isnt something other people are experiencing.

  • Noreen
    Noreen Posts: 6

    Ive just checked and my problem has been resolved. Not sure how but i no longer have the logo on my images.

  • StephO
    StephO Posts: 1

    This is now happening to me! Help!

  • Jaz
    Jaz Posts: 1

    How do we fix this???

  • Ashleyairr

    Help this is happening to me to I deleted the app redownload it cleared my cache and it is still doing it.

  • Fidget_midg3t

    Anyone figure out how to stop this it’s really annoying

  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥

    I remember reading somewhere that this is a new feature Snapchat is gradually rolling out :sweat_smile:

  • Lizzie
    Lizzie Posts: 1

    anyone figure this out? I am having the same problem too

  • iARG
    iARG Posts: 2

    Also having the same issue. it seems to happen with the lenses more than the filters. How do we fix this?

  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥

    I want to clarify that this is not an issue. Snapchat is currently releasing this as a new feature, which is slowly rolling out to the majority of users.

    cc @iARG @Lizzie @Fidget_midg3t @Ashleyairr @Jaz @Noreen @Amanda

  • iARG
    iARG Posts: 2

    @audun Can you share with us the info you have found on this being added as a feature? It seems counter intuitive to stamp the images of only certain lenses & filters with the name right on-top of them. What is the point of the "new" feature?

  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥

    I couldn't find it, but it's clear that they added it; it didn't just appear out of nowhere. :tongue:

    Not everyone sees this feature yet because it's likely being A-B tested. Large companies often roll out updates to a few groups initially, gathering feedback before making it public.:smiley:

    I'm not a fan of it either, so fingers crossed it doesn't go public! :joy:

  • Emilyann2231

    I have the same problem! How can I get this to stop. That’s a horrible new feature if it’s permanent. Please take it back off

  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥

    Official Snap employee said this in the Discord Server:

    Indeed it is being A/B tested on the Snapchat side. We’ve passed the feedback back to the team 🙂

  • malikwaqas758

    @audun Could you at any point impart to us the data you have found on this being added as an element? It appears to be unreasonable to stamp the pictures of just specific focal points and channels with the name right on-top of them. Why bother of the "new" include?


    Okay this just started to me and it’s terrible. It ruins the photo. Someone needs to bring this to their attention.

  • Noreen
    Noreen Posts: 6

    My situation was resolved and now its happened again

  • Dom
    Dom Posts: 1

    It happened to me before then stopped and it’s happening again. This update is such a pain in the a**. I have to save the image then go to my saved snapchats and save it AGAIN to get it without the filter name on it. Super annoying.

  • SpookyBookieBish

    I’m having the same problem and I hate it. I don’t know why they would think this is useful to any of their users.

  • IamShamsMalik

    It seems you're having an issue with saved images from Snapchat that still display the Snapchat logo and filter name. Here's a bit of clarification:

    When you apply a filter on Snapchat and take a photo, the filter name and the Snapchat logo may appear on the image as a watermark. This is part of Snapchat's design, especially if you're using a branded filter or a filter created by another user.

    The same applies when you save a Snapchat Story; the Snapchat logo and other details may appear as part of the saved image. This is Snapchat's way of attributing the creative design of the filter to its creator, and it's a standard feature of the app.

    However, if you want to save a photo without any overlay, you may consider taking the photo using your phone's regular camera app, then uploading it to Snapchat later if needed. Remember that once you apply a filter and save the image on Snapchat, removing the watermark will be difficult because it's integrated into the image.

    As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there's no option in Snapchat to remove the watermark during or after saving the image. For the most current information, you might want to check Snapchat's official support or help center or the app's settings.

  • Katie
    Katie Posts: 1

    This is horrible. The watermark branding 100% RUINS the photos

  • Jaysandxo

    horrible ruins the whole photo

  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥

    @stevenxu see the comments above ^

  • Gypsy
    Gypsy Posts: 2

    Is this going to be fixed? It absolutely ruins the photo.

  • Gypsy
    Gypsy Posts: 2

    Ok. So I exported from the app to my gallery and the logo is gone. Stop the saving automatically to your gallery. Export as you choose. No logo.

  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 612 👻

    @audun Thanks for flagging the spam comments. Removed!