[City Scale AR] Why does my lens preview get accepted some times but rejected others?
I am trying to publish a lens using the city scale template and I recorded a video of the experience and when I submitted the lens it got approved, but when I updated the lens (using the same lens preview media) it now gets rejected because:
Content Review Failure
This Lens submission was rejected for violating our Guidelines. Please review our Community Guidelines and Lens Submission Guidelines. Please update this Lens to comply with our Guidelines.
City Scale Location Preview seems to be missing or is not in the correct format. For more information, review our guidelines here: https://docs.snap.com/lens-studio/references/guides/publishing/configuring/creating-a-preview-video
Violating Components:
Lens Preview Media
hmmm. so how can i know if my lens preview is correct @audun?
By following the guidelines in the documentation.
From the docs:
When creating a preview for your Lens, keep the following best practices in mind:
- Make sure the entirety of the preview video includes the defining elements of the Lens. For example, if your Lens is a face experience, show the Lens applied to a face
- Sometimes, your preview video will be displayed as a static image. Because of this, make sure the first frame of your video is compelling and shows off the defining elements of the Lens
- Keep your preview videos short and to the point
- Make sure your preview videos are nicely lit
- Avoid busy backgrounds as they might distract from the content of your Lens
- While you can submit a static image for your preview, we recommend using a video
- Do note that the Submission Guidelines apply to both the Lens and your Lens preview video
- Keep preview videos at a 9:16 aspect ratio (vertical video)
- Keep preview videos under 32 MB for videos (10 MB for static images)