Is there Snapchat API available?
We wanna know is there any Snapchat API can be utilised to publish lens directly, or some methods that can do?
Interested Discussion I also wanna know that if there is any API available or not that can help or make our task more easy like DJMOLDING.
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@ThalesGPT official Thanks for posting on the forum! My apologies on the delay here. Confirming I've created a ticket for our eng to help (4784). Hang tight!
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Thank you very much!
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@ThalesLens official can you provide more information on what the use case is and what API you are hoping to use?
Currently the only way to publish a Lens is via Lens Studio
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We wanna publish lens via automatic code as we are AIGC project. The snapchat API we need in thus project is for accelerating publishing process. Otherwise we should write the automatic code for lens studio to click publish button.
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@ForumChris Friendly bump
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@ThalesLens official yeah there currently isnt this API but I will make a feature request for the team