Custom script UI "showIF" for multiple values?
Hi all! :)
what i am looking for is a way to show a field if value 1 OR 2 OR 3 is true.
I already tried
{"showIf":"Options_amount", "showIfValue":"3Options" , "4Options" , "5Options"}
{"showIf":"Options_amount", "showIfValue":"3Options" || "4Options" || "5Options"}
Both without any success.. is it possible?
a further example: //@input string Options_amount = "3Options" {"widget":"combobox", "values":[{"label":"3 Options", "value":"3Options"}, {"label":"4 Options", "value":"4Options"}, {"label":"5 Options", "value":"5Options"}]} //i want to show this when option 3, 4 OR 5 are selected: //@input Asset.Texture myOption3 {"showIf":"Options_amount", "showIfValue":"3Options"} //i only want to show this if Option 3 OR 4 are selected //@input Asset.Texture myOption4 {"showIf":"Options_amount", "showIfValue":"4Options"} //this i only want to show if Option 5 is selected, so this works fine for me: //@input Asset.Texture myOption5{"showIf":"Options_amount", "showIfValue":"5Options"}
Hope it's understandable,
Cheers, Ines
+1 for this! I'm afraid that's currently not possible 🤔
I was trying to do something similar - having one parameter only show when two other parameters were a certain value. For example (warning: this code does not work)
//@input bool option1 //@input bool option2 //@input bool option3 {"showIf":"option1 && option2"} // only show this bool if both others are true
This would help make assets more intuitive! :)
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You can create groups for an and gate workaround. Although creating groups inside of groups is not the most clean solution.
//@input bool option1 //@input bool option2 //@ui {"widget":"group_start", "showIf":"option2"} //@input bool option3 {"showIf":"option1"} //@ui {"widget":"group_end"}