Can't add a specific public lens to my snap camera library
Hi everyone. I'm not sure if I'm asking something in the right forum, but I have an issue with one snapchat lens that I can't find in the snapcam software on windows. It's called Lens Tongue Twister.
I can very easily use it on snapchat since I believe it's a public lens but can't find anywhere on snap cam (picture 1). I saw a youtube video explaining that it can be fixed by copy pasting the lens link (the link above) into the search bar but it still doesn't show anything for me (picture 2). Therefore I wanted to know if you had any idea on how to fix my issue. I believe there are 3 possibilites that could explain this :
1- it's not an actual official public snapchat lens
2- the link is not the right one (in the video the link was starting by "snapchat")
3- I can't add anymore any filter this way.
Hope you guys can help me, would be very appreciated .
picture 1 :
picture 2 :
If I had to gander a guess, snap inc. 's own lenses are very well known it's practically their brand recognition foundation aside from the logo. Snapcam allows users via virtual camera to route it through or apply it to ~anything~ including things they don't want their highly valuable visible image to be associated with. Also whatever data collecting they do via those things lol