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Is it possible to automatically update the Lenses without having to force quit the app or update it

Sani Posts: 14 🔥

Hi team,

We are wondering whether it's possible to update the AR lenses on our Camera Kit without having to force quit the app and relaunch or reinstall the app.

Currently once we publish a new Lens and add it to our Group, the only way for the Lens to appear on our App is by force quitting and relaunching or updating the app (if an update is available)

We expect that:

CameraController’s method will be called when the list is changed:
open func repository(_ repository: LensRepository, didUpdateLenses lenses: [Lens], forGroupID groupID: String)

But the method isn’t called.

We know that not a lot of people will force quit the app and we don't want to push a new update to the app just for a Lens.

How could we invoke the newly added Lens upon relaunching of the Camera?

Thanks a lot,

Best Answer

  • arashp
    arashp Posts: 52 🔥🔥
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hi @Sani, thank you for the question. The time to update the lens is set by our caching policy. It can take up to 12 hours for Lenses to be updated in the app. There is no workaround at the moment. However, this is an area we are actively working on and I have passed on your feedback to the team


  • Sani
    Sani Posts: 14 🔥
    edited February 2023 #3

    here is the screenshot of our Lens Group where the new Lens get added but the method isn't called

    I tried to upload the image but have failed unfortunately, my bad :l

  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 612 👻

    @Sani Thanks for posting the issue on the forum and for your patience while i was out. I've just created a ticket for our eng team to look into this. Hang tight!

  • Sani
    Sani Posts: 14 🔥

    @stevenxu thank you Steven 🙌

  • Sani
    Sani Posts: 14 🔥

    thank you very much @arashp
