How to generate a specified object (such as a ball) at a specific location in the scene at a certain


How to generate a specified object (such as a ball) at a specific location in the scene at a certain time (such as when opening the mouth)


  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥

    Hi @bowen wang!
    Do you want to keep the sphere on the screen after you open the mouth?
    If not, here's a brief guide on achieving this effect:

    1. Add a sphere

    2. Select the Orthographic camera and add a new "Script" component

    3. Click on "None" in the added script and choose "Helper script" > "Behavior"

    4. Configure the settings as follows:

    • Trigger: Face Event
    • Event type: Mouth Opened
    • Allow: Always
    • Response Type: Set Enabled

    1. Click on "Target" and select your Sphere

    2. Hide the Sphere in the Objects panel

    Link to the Project files

  • delilahkl
    delilahkl Posts: 1
    edited May 2023 #3

    To generate a specified object, like a ball, at a specific location in the scene when opening the mouth, you can use a combination of animation and scripting. By detecting the mouth opening using techniques like facial recognition or audio analysis, you can trigger a script to instantiate the ball object at the desired location at the designated time, creating an engaging and interactive experience for the user.