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Announcing Flutter Integration for Snap CameraKit!

DevCrewIO Posts: 3
edited April 16 in General #1

Exciting news community!
Recognizing the increasing need for a Flutter-based Integration for CameraKit, we at DevCrewIO have decided to make our in-house library open source, allowing the community to effortlessly incorporate Snap Camera Kit into their Flutter projects—no need to deal with the complexities of bridging native modules. This library streamlines the setup process, letting you dedicate more time to crafting phenomenal camera experiences for your users.
Check it out on GitHub | Flutter Pub.

1. Seamless integration of CameraKit in Flutter
2. Access the native CameraKit Views
3. Get a List of lenses by group IDs
4. Get a captured photo or video file
5. Show a list of lenses

Feedback and Assistance:
Being a synergistic team, we deeply appreciate the feedback and support from our community to ensure the library stays up-to-date and error-free. We keep on improving and adding more features to this and encourage contributions from all of you! Whether it comes to reporting bugs, proposing enhancements, or introducing new features, your input is priceless to us.

Thank you for your continued support!



  • waseem_dc

    Awesome work

  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 612 👻
    edited November 2023 #3

    @waseem_dc right?? Thank you so much @DevCrewIO team for dedicating your time and expertise to craft this valuable Flutter integration for Camera Kit, and for generously sharing it with our Snap AR community! Your contribution is immensely appreciated! <3

  • DevCrewIO
    DevCrewIO Posts: 3
    edited November 2023 #4

    @stevenxu Thank you for your kind appreciation.
    You're very welcome! 🚀 We're thrilled to hear that the Flutter integration for Camera Kit has been valuable to the Snap AR community. The @DevCrewIO team is passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology, and we're grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such an innovative and dynamic community.