I can't add a friend

I have previously blocked my friend and now that I have unblocked them I can’t add them back. Me and the person are on completely good terms and they do NOT have me blocked either but can not add me as well. When trying to search for the username it finds them, but once I click the name and add friend it says “couldn’t find username”. Would be thankful for help.


  • Bakari Mustafa
    Bakari Mustafa Posts: 178 🔥🔥🔥

    When you blocked someone on Snapchat, it automatically removed them from your friend list, and they will have to send you a new friend request. If you have unblocked your friend and they are unable to add you back as well, there could be a few reasons why this is happening. Some possible solutions to try include:

    • Log out of your account and log back in to see if that resolves the issue.
    • Have your friend check their blocked list to ensure that they haven't accidentally blocked you.
    • Check your own blocked list to ensure that you haven't accidentally blocked your friend again.
    • Check your account settings to make sure that your account is public, if it is private then friends request will not be able to send requests.
  • What do you mean by making sure our accounts are public? We can't find the setting for that anywhere. None of the points above that worked either, we just can't add eachother.

  • @Bakari Mustafa said:
    When you blocked someone on Snapchat, it automatically removed them from your friend list, and they will have to send you a new friend request. If you have unblocked your friend and they are unable to add you back as well, there could be a few reasons why this is happening. Some possible solutions to try include:

    • Log out of your account and log back in to see if that resolves the issue.
    • Have your friend check their blocked list to ensure that they haven't accidentally blocked you.
    • Check your own blocked list to ensure that you haven't accidentally blocked your friend again.
    • Check your account settings to make sure that your account is public, if it is private then friends request will not be able to send requests.

    Just to follow up on this, not even the public setting worked for us. Just keeps saying that we cant find the username when we press add friend.

  • It sounds like you and your friend are encountering a common issue on Snapchat where you are unable to add each other even though you have unblocked each other. Here are a few steps that may help resolve the issue:

    1. Log out of your Snapchat account and then log back in.
    2. Restart the Snapchat app or your device.
    3. Ensure that you both have the latest version of the Snapchat app.
    4. You can try to add your friends from contact using quick add by clicking the + button on the top right corner.
    5. Try searching for your friend by their display name or phone number instead of their username.
  • It says I can’t add new friends any time I try to add a friend. It has said this for 3 wells regardless of who I add or how I add them.

  • I have a same issue

  • Muhammad Ehsan
    Muhammad Ehsan Posts: 3
    edited December 2023 #8

    This simple step can often fix minor glitches that may be preventing you from adding your friend. To log out, follow these steps:

    Tap on your profile icon in the top left corner of the screen.
    Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
    Scroll down and tap on "Log Out."
    Once you’ve logged out, wait a few minutes and then log back in.

    1. Restart the Snapchat app or your device.

    Sometimes, a simple restart can do the trick. To restart the Snapchat app, close it completely and then reopen it. To restart your device, turn it off and then back on.

    1. Ensure that you both have the latest version of the Snapchat app.

    Outdated apps can sometimes cause compatibility issues. To check for updates, follow these steps:

    Open the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
    Search for "Snapchat" and tap on the app.
    If an update is available, tap on "Update."
    4. Try to add your friends from contact using quick add.

    This feature allows you to add friends from your phone's contact list. To use quick add, follow these steps:

    Tap on the "+" button in the top right corner of the screen.
    Tap on "Add Friends."
    Select "Quick Add."
    Snapchat will then scan your contacts and show you a list of people who have Snapchat.
    Simply tap on the name of the person you want to add.
    5. Try searching for your friend by their display name or phone number instead of their username.

    Sometimes, usernames can be difficult to remember or spell correctly. If you are having trouble finding your friend by their username, try searching for them by their display name or phone number.

    Additional Tips:

    Make sure that you and your friend are not using the same email address or phone number to sign up for Snapchat.
    If you are still having trouble adding your friend, you can contact Snapchat support for further assistance.

  • I had this before, when i tried the username yacht rental dubai. now i did yachtrentaldxb and its fixed

  • Also i had it when i needed to change my username for supercar rental dubai, then after i changed it it worked

  • Could not add frnd reqst plz help me snapchat

  • I can't add friends on snapchat webb
    Please what do I do!!