Followers Count and Profile Avatar

Hi team,

How do we get followers count and profile avatar link?
I am calling endpoint and got the response
"bitmoji"=>{"avatar_id"=>"103612311381_1-s5", "selfie_id"=>"31559524", "background_id"=>"", "scene_id"=>""}},
1. How do we generate the link that can load the avatar?
2. I don't see the followers count, which endpoint returns the followers count?



  • Hassan Raza
    Hassan Raza Posts: 11 🔥

    To retrieve the profile avatar link and followers count from the Snapchat API, follow these guidelines:

    Generating the Avatar Link

    The response you received includes an avatar_id. To generate the link for the avatar, you can use the following format:

    Replace 103612311381_1-s5 with the actual avatar_id from your response. This URL structure should allow you to access the avatar image.

    Retrieving Followers Count

    The followers count is not directly available from the /v1/me endpoint. Instead, you may need to use a different endpoint that provides user statistics. Unfortunately, the specific endpoint for retrieving the followers count is not detailed in the provided information. It is advisable to consult the Snapchat API documentation or community forums for the latest updates on endpoints that return user metrics, including follower counts.

    Citations: invisible text

  • To effectively engage with your followers and make a strong first impression, two key elements stand out: your follower count and your profile avatar. The number of followers you have not only reflects your online influence but also signals to new visitors the level of trust and credibility you’ve built within your community. A higher follower count Niches Names can often attract more people to follow you, as it indicates a larger, engaged audience.