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Camera Kit web not working

Snap_DJ Posts: 2

I am using camera kit for web and getting the following error
Error: Cannot load lens lens b822bae0-a442-4288-b8f9-064150881828 from group
424bc716-8357-4d28-8cd8-8befbf7c46bc. An error occured in the gRPC client:
[7] permission denied
at Object. (@snap_camera-kit.js?v=088131f0:27815:17)
at ()
at fulfilled (@snap_camera-kit.js?v=088131f0:7108:24)


  • Snapchat's Camera Kit for web appears to be related to permission issues when trying to load a specific lens (lens b822bae0-a442-4288-b8f9-064150881828) from a group (424bc716-8357-4d28-8cd8-8befbf7c46bc). The gRPC client is returning a "[7] permission denied" error, which typically indicates that the action you're trying to perform is not authorized or lacks the necessary permissions.

    Here’s a potential solution path:

    1. Check API Key and Permissions
      Make sure that your API key or authentication token has the necessary permissions to access the lens or group in question.
      Verify if the lens you're trying to load belongs to your account or if it requires specific access levels (such as admin rights or group permissions).
      If you’re working in a sandbox or production environment, ensure that the API key is set for the correct environment.
    2. Group Access
      Ensure that the group ID (424bc716-8357-4d28-8cd8-8befbf7c46bc) allows the current user or API key access. There may be group-level restrictions that are causing the permission error.
      If you have access to a dashboard, review the group's settings and permissions for the API or developer account.
    3. Lens Permissions
      Check the permissions of the lens itself. Some lenses might be restricted or private, and you might need explicit permission to use them.
      If the lens is shared with specific accounts or teams, confirm that your account is included in that permission group.
    4. gRPC Client Setup
      Review the configuration of your gRPC client to ensure it is properly set up to authenticate and communicate with Snapchat's servers.
      Check for any authentication tokens, certificates, or session details that might be missing or incorrect.
    5. Consult Snapchat’s Documentation or Support
      Refer to Snapchat’s official Camera Kit documentation to ensure that you’re using the correct method to load lenses.
      If the issue persists, consider contacting Snapchat support or posting on developer forums with your API key, group, and lens details (avoiding sensitive information) for further assistance.
      By ensuring the correct permissions, group access, and API key configuration, you should be able to resolve the error.