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join us on Discord for support, updates, and all things Snap AR! See you there!
Also we’re a bit confused with saving format, how do we save/film in MP4?
Thank you! When saving from camera kit is there a way to save to camera roll?
Thanks @JacekC this is really helpful, I'll go compare the two now and try to debug a bit!
Thanks @realHabibilyas : ) I'm glad it helped
@"Michael Mase" Hey! So me and a friend did some testing and uploaded to amplify, and it was getting some errors: https://main.d22lv2nhbyx486.amplifyapp.com This error I saw in the developer tools on chrome" Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of…
Thank you @"Michael Mase" !
hey, so It sounds like our file is good to go for upload - I was just wondering if there is any documentation that shares what the next step is when your visual studio code file is ready to be uploaded to a website?
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it :smile: !!!!
Hey @"Michael Mase" ! For the device motion and orientation, I just went to test again with the “test your lenses” page and put my effect api/group in, and it loaded, I clicked around the screen and page, it was still staying static rather then allowing me to rotate around the 3d environment. Then I went to the next page…
Thank you so much for this!! This was super helpful :) I'll be in touch if I run into any issues!
Note: we can get a new domain and upload to it, so we can take any direction for setting it up!
Hey @"Michael Mase" !! Thank you, I will start the review submission process. The filter isn't fully optimized yet or finished, but we'd like to actually first publish the current version on a website to share with our team for review. So we can take any direction for website set up that you think would be best!