Lens application under application, review status all the way through.

I applied for one lens application at noon today and it is still under review after 5 hours. It has never stayed in review status for more than 5 hours before. I don't know who to contact when this happens.


  • Pico Alta
    Pico Alta Posts: 22 🔥

    Hi, I am also wondering on the average duration for the reviews. We have submitted for review about almost 2 weeks ago, and the submission is still in review. Did anyone else experience long review times?

    @stevenxu I talked to you at the last office hour. Do you know if 2 weeks review is an average duration?

    The app id is: f947fb68-c8f4-4815-9e39-bdf2667a18fc

    Thanks in advance.



  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 612 👻

    @Pico Alta thanks for posting on the forum! 2 weeks wouldn't be the average, but rather it shouldn't go past that... as that isn't an ideal experience.

    Let me investigate with our team and get back to you in a direct message. Appreciate your patience!

  • Pico Alta
    Pico Alta Posts: 22 🔥

    Thanks @stevenxu !

  • audun
    audun Posts: 302 🔥🔥🔥
  • stevenxu
    stevenxu Posts: 612 👻

    @audun Thanks! Spam removed.