Isador Bertold Baggins


  • Heh, had the same exact idea, I figure if I could turn the distortion texture for the analog tv effect into either text input or media upload than I can leggo and tape something like this to fly. My other idea is to make..... prestickers, yes I use so many stickers I want to add them to the snap before it has been snapped…
  • Is this working now? I have been trying it for at least a year but there were some errors in the note/cookbook that were just kinda out of the hands of people just going along the guide path to fix.
  • Ya , whenever there is a new thing I immediately try to figure out how to break it and this one was pretty easy. Of the 2 ML eraser lenses I made both have segmentation [skin and clothing respectively] which basically does not work once I import and test on my physical phone. The eraser works but the segmentation is, well…
  • That's part of the whole reason snapchat was created, you can save in chat but.. if you could just turn it right off that will just make it easier for bot accounts to collect peoples information via responses (I get at least 10 quick add bots a day) at least this way they have to macro or press save in chat. What business…
  • If I had to gander a guess, snap inc. 's own lenses are very well known it's practically their brand recognition foundation aside from the logo. Snapcam allows users via virtual camera to route it through or apply it to ~anything~ including things they don't want their highly valuable visible image to be associated with.…