As a company we do not want to associate with a specific avatar. But this undismissable popup makes it impossible to test lenses with the company account. Is it intentional?
And what is the reason those lenses are shown there? What can we do with this information?
Chrome on Mac What am I doing wrong?? :/
We make games with Unity and would like to explore CameraKit abilities.
When turning on ray tracing this error shows on iOS (no error on Android) Cannot open file: Ins:/|/var/mobile/Containers/Data/ Application/A0895A2-7539-4B53-9DAB-B6FE100865FE/ Documents/com.snap.file_manager_4_SCContent_/ e9287d3b40fcb0178bf80ffc4efcfa41@@||system/shaders/ flat.metal
We are trying to integrate a model and Studio shows an error that we don't think reflects the reality. it says: TFLite model TransposeConv layer converter only supports same padding with equal kernel and stride. However, according to the code kernel size and strides both equal 2 — they ARE the same and the padding IS…
It used to be working fine but now importing any of the files here: Causes this error: the log is particularly useful: 19:55:17 Resource import for /Users/user/Downloads/Panorama2.exr failed: Cannot initialize image:…
removing Wrist Tracking component -- removes the error
missing the delete post option
Same project, same error iPhone shows error -- message pops from top One Plus -- JUST ERROR DETECTED, which is not very helpful Please help
There are two options: 1. the data is a mess 2. we don't understand how to read it The lens was released as new 5 days ago. The data of "all time" and last 7 days don't add up But what is even more unclear is how does the graph data add up to the total number! (second image) 10K + 1K = 65K Please tell us how to read this!…
What is it even for??
Custom Component "Foot Tracking" (from Assets Library) causes problems in "Physical Collider" and "Phycical Body" in the entire Lens Studio project Here you can see that when activating the Foot Tracking component the colliders disappear…
There is an issue with Foot Tracking Template. When integrating Foot Tracking Template into one of our projects, the following errors appear: _[Scenarium] TypeError: object required, found undefined (stack index 0) at set () native strict preventsyield at onRunningFinished (Scripts/Shoe…
The only thing I can do is turn the specs off. Turning on brings the same screen. Anyone has this issue?
Just like this one:
Able to login from Safari with that account
When running an empty project with just hand tracking component, android gives the following error. iOS had a problem with this too on Snapchat app version before the current one. Current iOS runs fine. So just the android Snap version is still broken. Please see screenshots here:…
Hi, community! Our lens with colocated component was rejected. We are not sure if it will happen again. Did any of you get an update on the issue? Is the colocated feature working, can we release lenses with it? Please share your knowledge. 😊