How can we clean programmatically the lenses repository cache? Also, is it memory cache, disk cache, or both? Thanks in advance!
Hello, We have an app that runs lenses with a considerable size and time. Our average size per lens is 7MB, which may make the “life” of the Framework difficult. Usually, when we see that an update is available, we look forward to upgrading it in our app. Last time, we updated the CameraKit from 1.19.2 to 1.26.0, and we…
Lens can run scripts and can have events. Is it possible to call an event available on the Lens's script from the iOS SDK? Eg: I would like to call using Swift the "TapEvent" script.createEvent("TapEvent").bind(onTap);function onTap(eventData) { eventData.getTapPosition().x > 0.3 ? story.turnPage("FORWARD") :…
Recently, we detected an issue that is freezing the CameraKit Preview. We are using SwiftUI. It happens in strange cases. Cases we detected: * Having the PreviewView in a View if we open an overlay or a fullScreenCover > Freezes (does not happen with all of them) * Starting opening the Control Center > Freezes (but only…
When using the MediaPickerView, if the user doesn't give full read permissions on iOS, the user needs to select the photos he wants to use. However, even when the provider knows that there are no more assets to fetch using hasMoreAssetsToFetch == false from LensMediaPickerProvider, the provider does nothing. In this case,…
After my investigation, there are two ways to advance to go back or forward in Lens' line. * Use LaunchData to send the line that we want to load. * Enable the automaticallyConfiguresTouchHandler to true and let the user tap on the screen to go forward. I want to jump to another line, using a custom SwiftUI Button, but…